


But it certainly appears safe to keep drinking that delicious, aromatic, pick-me-up cup or~~估计你此时正在整理相类似的句子吧?情感一生网编辑现在向你推荐温柔文案短句干净英文(通用50句),我们后续还将不断提供这方面的内容。


1、With the job market booming and salaries rising, companies can expect to see high attrition in 2011.(随着就业市场复苏,薪酬水平上升,企业在2011年预计将出现较高的人员流动。)

2、They have certain underlying similarities.(他们有某些潜在的相似性。)

3、Neither do I, but only a hundred years ago this knowledge was as vital for an aristocrat as dancing and polite conversation.(我也不知道,不过在一百年以前这点学问对于贵族来说就和跳舞和有教养的交谈一样重要。)

4、The doctor murmured inarticulately, gave a long gasp or two and was still.(医生口齿不清地咕哝着,长吁了一两口气,然后就不动了。)

5、These chopsticks are beautiful!(这些筷子真漂亮!)

6、After some technical hitches the show finally got under way.(几个小的技术故障后演出终于开始了。)

7、The statue is 151 ft (46 m) tall, but with the pedestal and foundation, it is 305 ft (93 m) tall.(神像高151英尺(46米),但是加上基座高305英尺(93米)。)

8、The town band led off by playing the national anthem .(市乐队以国歌开始他们的演奏。)

9、Vivisystems must anticipate to survive.(活系统必须为存活而预期。)

10、Bai still drove a tricycle to make money every day.(他自己每天仍然亲自蹬三轮车挣钱。)

11、The higher we climbed, the more awe-inspiring the scenery became.(我们爬得越高,风景越是令人惊叹。)

12、Any annex is the integral part of this contract.(本合同一切附件均为本合同的有效组成部分。)

13、Snowboarding is now an Olympic sport.(滑雪板运动现在是奥运会比赛项目。)

14、can stand on one toe for hours.(我可以用一只脚趾站上好几个小时。)

15、If you feel any tension in your neck, tuck your towel under your head for support.(如果你觉得你的脖子有点紧张,叠块浴巾放在脖子下面做支撑。)

16、Unfortunately, because this approach fails to deal with the underlying causes of inflation, wage and price controls eventually collapse, the hitherto-repressed inflation resurfaces.(不幸的是,由于这种方法未能解决通胀的根本原因,工资和价格控制最终崩溃,迄今为止受到压制的通胀再次出现。)M.qG13.COm

17、Maybe you pride yourselves on only sleeping a few hours a night.(也许你以每晚只睡几个小时而自豪。)


18、El Salvador produces 100,000 tons of refined copper annually.(萨尔瓦多一年生产10万吨精炼铜。)

19、The city has plans to redevelop the site.(这个城市计划重新建设这一地区。)

20、The following quotations underline this fact.(下面引用的名言便强调了这一点。)

21、The hen has five chicks.(母鸡有五只小鸡。)

22、Hardware queue or transmit ring.(硬件队列或传输环路。)

23、Since childhood, I put my own parents on a pedestal. I felt they could do no wrong.(自童年起我就把我父母当偶像崇拜。我觉得他们不会做错事。)

24、If you were to go back and look, you could see that this is copper.(如果你回头看,你会发现这是铜。)

25、My father was unable to talk about the war, it was so frightful.(我父亲没法谈论那次战争,那太可怕了。)

26、The little pupil took his grandma by the arm and walked her across the street.(小学生拉着奶奶的胳膊,带她过了马路。)

27、Part of the issue is that the government did not anticipate the steep increase in airline travel, so the TSA is now rushing to get new screeners on the line.(一部分问题是政府没有预料到航空旅行的急剧增长,因此运输安全管理局现在正急着在线路上安装新的安检设备。)

28、Everyone saves money when you reuse bags.(重复使用袋子可以让每一个人都省下钱来。)

29、She's holding a doll.(她正抱着一个娃娃。)

30、Business attire (suits and dresses).(商务装(西装和连衣裙)。)

31、Ye paltry cowards, and arm yourselves and guard the doors, whilst I send one to fetch the watch!(你们这些没用的懦夫,武装起来,守住那些门,我派一个人去叫卫兵!)

32、Mutual trust and confidence are the foundation atone of all friendship.(相互间的信赖与对彼此的信心才是友谊的基石。)

33、The crane operator eased the statue down till it rested on the pedestal.(起重机操作员轻轻地把塑像吊下来放到基座上。)

34、have a black cap.(我有一顶黑色的帽子。)


35、After coffee, Gastler asked for the bill.(喝完咖啡,加斯特勒要了账单。)

36、However, such a lover of beauty and reason might look askance at much of the content on the Internet.(然而,他这样一位理性与美的热爱者可能会对互联网上的大部分信息投以怀疑的眼光。)

37、This letter is an annex to that report.(这封信是那份报告的附件。)

38、The serratus anterior is an important scapular stabilizer.(前锯肌是重要的肩胛骨稳定肌。)

39、He took that as an auspice of happiness.(他把那看作是幸福的征兆。)

40、Attrition Not Considered in Recent Reports of App Store Sizes, growth.(近期AppStore规模和增长率报告中没有考虑软件流失问题。)

41、Bees are capable of addition and subtraction — using colors in the place of plus and minus symbols.(蜜蜂会做加减法——它们用颜色来代替加号和减号。)

42、What Is a Traitor?(什么叫叛徒?)

43、The rate of attrition among New York judges has spiked.(所以纽约州的法官流失率陡增。)

44、He put on the air of an aristocrat.(他摆出一副贵族的架势。)

45、Instruct the illegal sub - considered an outside agent - to leave the field of play.(而对于违规上阵的球员——将被当作是一个“外来物”——要求他离开球场。)

46、Reading the real meaning is interpretation, or be misreading, especially be arrant misreading.(阅读的真正含义在于解读,或者被误读,特别是被彻头彻尾的误读。)

47、Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.(经常大声并且长时间地笑。直到你笑得上气不接下气。)

48、He has been branded a traitor by his former comrades.(在前同伴眼中,他就是一个叛徒。)

49、Wavefront analysis and Scheimpflug imagery are very important in diagnosis of anterior lenticonus.(波前分析和沙氏图像在前圆锥形晶状体的诊断中非常重要。)

50、But it certainly appears safe to keep drinking that delicious, aromatic, pick-me-up cup or two of coffee each day.(但继续喝那些美味的,芳香的提神饮料或者每天两杯咖啡看起来当然是安全的。)





