


“The hen has five chicks.(母鸡有五只小鸡。)。”常说日常生活的学习和工作中,当我们发现一些好的单词和句子时,我们想把它们转发到社交平台上。一句话可以让你走向光明也可以让你陷入黑暗,情感一生网的编辑经过仔细整合将关于温柔文案短句干净英文的资讯分类整理出来,经过仔细研究你会从这些句子中汲取一些有益的知识!


1、even worked on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska a couple of summers while I was an undergraduate.(当我还是个大学生的时候,我甚至在阿拉斯加的一艘商业渔船上工作了好几个夏天。)

2、The redesign calls for a concrete and steel pedestal, clad in ornamental metalwork, and topped by a tower of glass.(根据新的方案,自由塔的基座由混凝土和钢铁制成,外墙将用一种金属制品来装饰,而顶部则是一个玻璃塔。)

3、"When you eat Western food, you need the ambience," she says. "So you don't dare speak loudly.(冠娜不表示:“当你在吃西方食物的时候,你需要气氛,所以你不敢大声喧哗,你也不得不注意餐具碰撞的声音,这对于用约会来说是好的,非常浪漫,但是不轻松自在。”)

4、With the job market booming and salaries rising, companies can expect to see high attrition in 2011.(随着就业市场复苏,薪酬水平上升,企业在2011年预计将出现较高的人员流动。)

5、Vivisystems must anticipate to survive.(活系统必须为存活而预期。)

6、can stand on one toe for hours.(我可以用一只脚趾站上好几个小时。)

7、The wicked stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe.(那个邪恶的继母叫她的两个女儿中的一个把她的大脚趾剪下来,以适应鞋子的大小。)

8、There was enough for the doll and even some spare money left.(这些钱足够买娃娃了,甚至还有一些剩余的钱。)

9、different interpretation is possible when the actual amount of information acquired by the user is taken into account.(如果考虑用户实际获得的信息量,可能会有不同的解释。)

10、Our main products are all kinds of serial products about wall tiles, antic tiles and glazed floor tiles.(主要有各种规格内墙砖系列产品,各种规格的复古砖系列产品,釉面地砖系列产品。)

11、look at the word Love and then I underline it.(我看了看“爱你”这个词,然后在下面画了条线。)

12、If you feel any tension in your neck, tuck your towel under your head for support.(如果你觉得你的脖子有点紧张,叠块浴巾放在脖子下面做支撑。)

13、After coffee, Gastler asked for the bill.(喝完咖啡,加斯特勒要了账单。)

14、Part of the issue is that the government did not anticipate the steep increase in airline travel, so the TSA is now rushing to get new screeners on the line.(一部分问题是政府没有预料到航空旅行的急剧增长,因此运输安全管理局现在正急着在线路上安装新的安检设备。)

15、Anna Christie was a born aristocrat.(安娜·克里斯蒂是个天生的贵族。)

16、Silly mistakes and queer clothes often arouse ridicule.(荒谬的错误和古怪的服装常引起讪笑。)

17、Clearance of the site required the removal of a number of trees.(清理这一场所需要移走不少树。)

18、Some (but certainly not all) of the top climbers in the world have the hollow, sunken-cheek, and ashen look of anorexics.(一些(当然不是全部)世界顶级的攀岩者看上去皮包骨头、双颊凹陷,一副得了厌食症的恹恹模样。)

19、The circadian rhythm in mammals is regulated by two clusters of nerve cells called the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) in the anterior hypothalamus.(哺乳动物中调节昼夜节律的是两个调节神经细胞群,称为视交叉上核中的下丘脑。)


20、I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime.(我不习惯午饭吃那么多。)

21、This letter is an annex to that report.(这封信是那份报告的附件。)

22、Cardioembolism is more frequently located in the anterior circulation.(与小动脉闭塞型相比,心源性栓塞多发生在前循环。)

23、He did not appear in spirits: something unconnected with her was probably amiss.(他看样子情绪也不高,大概是一件与她无关的什么事没有办好。)

24、Hachnut has found, however, that the attrition rate of graduates from this program is very high, with many of them leaving Hachnut to join competing firms soon after completing the program.(然而,哈克纳特发现,该项目的毕业生流失率非常高,许多人在完成项目后不久就离开哈克纳特,然后加入了其竞争对手的公司。)

25、In the past, the awning was mainly made of cotton or canvas, so it could not stand the influence of outdoor environment and other factors.(过去的遮阳篷主要是棉质的或帆布质的,所以经不起室外环境等因素的影响,没有经久耐用的特性。)

26、He put on the air of an aristocrat.(他摆出一副贵族的架势。)

27、The site gives neophytes the chance to learn from experts.(这个网站给新手提供了向专家学习的机会。)

28、Snowboarding is now an Olympic sport.(滑雪板运动现在是奥运会比赛项目。)

29、She cherished a frightful memory of her life; one day, a man had beheld her garter.(在一生中她有件想到就害怕的往事,一天,有个男人看见了她的吊袜带。)

30、From today's vantage point, the 1987 crash seems just a blip in the upward progress of the market.(从今天的观点来看,1987年的暴跌似乎只是市场上扬进程中一次短暂的下挫。)

31、In the spring the aromatic scent of wild flowers, redbuds, papaws, and dogwoods.(一到春天,野花、紫荆、番木瓜和山茱萸的芬芳随风而动,飘满整个溪谷和我的家园。)

32、The serratus anterior is an important scapular stabilizer.(前锯肌是重要的肩胛骨稳定肌。)

33、That was a frightful January.(那是个令人讨厌的一月份。)

34、But it certainly appears safe to keep drinking that delicious, aromatic, pick-me-up cup or two of coffee each day.(但继续喝那些美味的,芳香的提神饮料或者每天两杯咖啡看起来当然是安全的。)

35、Everybody was talking, and intent upon the grisly spectacle before them.(每个人都在说话,只关注眼前的可怕的场景。)

36、Most of the soldiers are reluctant conscripts.(大部分士兵都是不情愿的被征服役者。)

37、Try not to arouse his suspicion.(想办法不要让他起疑心。)

38、Bai still drove a tricycle to make money every day.(他自己每天仍然亲自蹬三轮车挣钱。)


39、The crane operator eased the statue down till it rested on the pedestal.(起重机操作员轻轻地把塑像吊下来放到基座上。)

40、need the actual figures, not an estimate.(我需要确切的数字,而不是估计。)

41、Mutual trust and confidence are the foundation atone of all friendship.(相互间的信赖与对彼此的信心才是友谊的基石。)

42、The anterior cingulate cortex was activated considerably more in the former than in the latter.(研究显示,前者的大脑前扣带回皮层比后者要活跃的多。)

43、Garber first came to Harvard in 1973 as an undergraduate.(加伯于1973年作为一名本科生首次来到哈佛大学。)

44、They are amoral, some of them are nicer and better than others But they're not necessarily morally good or righteous.(他们是没有道德原则的,其中一些比另一些和善一点,但他们并没有道德上的美好和正直。)

45、Add the egg yolk and the almond oil and mix well.(加入蛋黄和杏仁油,把他们混合起来。)

46、It was a lady; her cloak and cap were of snow.(这是一位女士;她的斗篷和帽子是雪做的。)

47、The money was mysterious, and we were in awe of it.(钱是神秘的,我们对它望而生畏。)

48、The boy pedaled away on his tricycle.(那男孩蹬着三轮脚踏车走了。)

49、Instruct the illegal sub - considered an outside agent - to leave the field of play.(而对于违规上阵的球员——将被当作是一个“外来物”——要求他离开球场。)

50、The city has plans to redevelop the site.(这个城市计划重新建设这一地区。)

51、So, held back here the heavy artillery.(那么,藏在后面的是重炮。)

52、The hen has five chicks.(母鸡有五只小鸡。)

53、Expensive clothing is generally designed to make you look like an aristocrat who can afford couture.(昂贵的衣服通常都是以让你看起来像能买起高级时装的贵族为设计理念的。)QG13.cOM

54、She'd undergone 13 operations, including a tummy tuck.(她做过13次手术,包括1次腹部减脂。)

55、Any annex is the integral part of this contract.(本合同一切附件均为本合同的有效组成部分。)

56、As I read the section about the information of Anne's where abouts after leaving the Annex, I could not help but cry.(当我读到安妮在考虑离开附楼该去哪儿住的时候,我不禁流下眼泪。)





